What was intended to be a brutal murder-suicide turned into a story of survival and hope. The Girl That Got Out is the riveting account of a harrowing six-hour escape from a deadly ex-boyfriend. Trapped inside her own apartment, RJ Fisher tells the details of what happened that day and presents an honest look into the raw emotions of each moment.

Fear. Pain. Shame. Anxiety. Over a decade later, RJ Fisher delves into the aftermath of nightmares and PTSD. Openly honest about her own feelings and journey of healing, The Girl That Got Out takes a look at the tactics and methods that took her from mentally destroyed to successfully functional. A must read for anyone struggling with anxiety or PTSD.

You are not alone.

“This book gives a new light to abuse and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, as R. Fisher candidly recounts her initial terror and helplessness as a victim of life-threatening assault and abuse. Through her tenacity and the help of others she became a survivor. But a new trauma called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder emerged to victimize her again. Traditional support systems, mental health therapies, and others helped, but PTSD descended like a dark cloud.

“Simply being a survivor is honorable in itself. But Fisher’s book goes on to become a light in that darkness. She brings vision that can only be gained by somebody who has personally walked in those shoes. Her work through this book is reaching out to others who have walked in - or are personally walking in darkness now. It is additional wisdom for those in helping professions who expertise. And, to anyone with a friend struggling with PTSD.

“Fisher brings 12 points that, along with her experience, are a must-read for anyone involved in the trauma-recovery world.”

Robert C.French

Robert C. French, MA, Licensed Professional Counselor

Certified Clinical Trauma Professional II

EMDR Treatment