A little about the author
RJ Fisher works within the prison system as a writer, qualitative researcher and motivational speaker.
Her true crime novel, The Girl That Got Out, speaks across generations and is spoken highly of in the psychological community.
She writes true crime and trauma recovery, focusing on the “why” behind human behavior and the power of change.
RJ Fisher holds a degree in Criminal Justice from Penn State, studied Urban Ministry at Moody Bible Institute and has worked in the fields of urban solutions, archaeology and mental health. Her passion for finding ways to improve society stems from her own experience with violent crime, poverty and the ageless struggle to understand the world around her.
Her latest work, The Active Recovery Workbook, provides the reader with hands-on steps to improve their life and manage the symptoms of trauma. She is currently working on a book, The Other Dimension of Murder, which will delve into the actual thought process and strange occurrences surrounding abnormal homicides.
When she’s not writing, RJ Fisher enjoys traveling, hiking and investigating stories. She resides in the back woods with her husband, six children and plethora of pets.
Follow RJ Fisher on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube @girlthatgotout. For press inquiries, please contact RJ Fisher’s publicist at rjfisher700@outlook.com.
With a passion for a better world and a drive to find solutions, RJ’s stories will inspire and encourage everyone to rise up to the true potential within them.
Be better. Do Different.